PSYC 3604 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Animal Magnetism, Limbic System, Aspirin

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Note: the purpose of the practice quiz is to give you a sampling of the types of questions that i ask, but the practice quiz is not necessarily intended to be comprehensive. Margaret is a 27 year-old soccer mom, who never misses her daughter"s games. Her friends argue that her behaviour is embarrassing, and she is making a fool of herself when she repeatedly yells, and jumps to her feet. Margaret insists that no one is paying attention to her behaviour. Margaret states, it is a soccer game, and people are expected to get excited. Which of the following does not pose a problem when using the unusualness criteria for labeling abnormal behaviours? a. According to ancient chinese medicine, excited insanity was _________ a. b. c. d. the presence of negative spirits the presence of a positive spirits the presence of a negative force the presence of a positive force.