PSYC 3604 Study Guide - Schizophrenia, Mental Disorder, Cirrhosis

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Goals for today"s class : chapter 3, chapter 4. What are some of the issues/concerns in the use of the dsm? (issues/concerns in diagnosis?) Scientific method for conducting research: define the problem & formulate a hypothesis, operationalize your variables & plan your research method, collect & analyze your data, formulate conclusions & write up research report. Scientific method for conducting research: 4 goals: description, prediction, control, understanding. Scientific method for conducting research: 4 goals: description their interrelationships. Conducting scientific research helps in defining & classifying events and. Reliability the description must be stable over time & across different. Validity a description must accurately measure (describe) what it claims to conditions measure aiding in prevention and treatment) ways of making positive changes aids in prevention and treatment: prediction. Good research aids in predicting interrelationships between events (thereby: control. Developing an accurate understanding of behaviour helps clinicians develop: understanding. Research aids in identifying the possible causes of behaviour and thereby.