PSYC 3604 : 3604 Mid2 Study Guide.doc

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Document Summary

This is for the multiple-choice section and the short answer section. This is intended as only a general study guide. You are still responsible for reading the assigned chapters & lecture notes. I will not test your knowledge of dates. (no dates) I will not test your knowledge of statistics. Thus, you will not see a question that asks you whether the prevalence rates for a particular disorder are 2% or 3%. Other than this, all of the textbook info is still good (i. e. the textbook will still provide valid information about the nature of the disorder and the symptoms, the research on etiology, and treatment, etc. Lecture material: all of it. (note: i will embed specifics into the chapters below) In the lecture notes, i give you the diagnostic criteria for: panic attack, agoraphobia, panic. Disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, ocd, hoarding. What is acute stress disorder (including theories and treatments), and what is adjustment.