PSYC 3604 Study Guide - Final Guide: Psychoticism, Comorbidity, Learned Helplessness

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Strain is the physical and emotional wear and tear reaction of a person attempting to cope with a stressor. The adrenal medulla is fast acting and secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine. Chronic stress is ongoing environmental demands (e. g. marital conflicts, work stress): daily hassles are experiences and conditions of daily living that have been appraised as salient and harmful or threatening (associated with poor psychological and physical adjustment). Essential hypertension is hypertension without an identified biological cause and is known as the silent killer (goes undetected). Chapter 10: eating disorders: in the dsm-4 an and bn formed distinct categories and there was the eating disorder- not otherwise specified (ednos) category wherein the large majority of client were falling into. Because of this the ednos was removed in the dsm-5. The results were that patients gain weight at first and then it plateaued (i. e. they did not continue to gain weight).