PSYC 3000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Likert Scale, Level Of Measurement, Categorical Variable

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Categorical variable: nominal data, made of categories, i. e. , species, also known as discrete. Binary variable: only two categories, a yes or no type answer. Nominal variable: there are two possibilities but their at the same value. Ordinal: data is ordered i. e. , order of race nishers but doesn"t matter how long in between it took them to reach nish line (could also be in continuous depending on details) Continuous variable: gives scores for each person and can rake on any value on the measurement scale that we are using, also known as scale data. Interval: values are separated an equal amount between each and are in order. Ratio: the ratios along the scale must be meaningful, therefore there must be a true zero, ex. When asked questions on continuous data, there must be a minimum of 5 questions and response options (likert scale) Y axis (vertical): count/frequency of the responses.