PSYC 2600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sexual Selection, Natural Selection, Behavioural Genetics

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Below is a list of key concepts, topics, themes of all of the questions on the exam. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, so if more than 1 item dealt with a single theme, i only listed it once (i. e. , less than 100 items listed below). Traits definition, characteristics, role in personality psychology. 3 levels of analysis in personality (human nature, groups, individual) Traits as internal causal properties versus descriptive summaries. 3 methods to identify key traits (i. e. , lexical, statistical and theoretical) Key concepts in personality development such as stability, coherence, change. Personality traits related to important relational outcomes (e. g. , marital satisfaction, divorce, job success, etc. ) Sexual jealousy as an example of differing gender-related adaptive problems. Key terms such as inter- and intrasexual competition, reactive heritability, and frequency-dependence. Behavioral genetic methods (e. g. , family studies, twin studies, adoption studies, selective breeding) Equal environments and other assumptions in behavioural genetics. Heritability of the big five and other traits.