PSYC 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Police Lineup, Eyewitness Identification, Recognition Memory

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Different issues can impact your ability to successfully do these various things. Encoding is the initial stage where you taking into your short term memory bank what you are perceiving as a crime. All sorts of things will impact your ability to encode information relevance. Perceive and pay attention to details in your environment. From short term memory, it will move to long term memory. The degree to which you rehearse things will affect your ability to store something. Witnesses and victims seriously differ in whether they have been rehearsing. Retreival is actively retreiving some information from that long-term memory store. The number one predictor of your ability to retrieve information is cues. Ex: a police lineup is a cue for recognition. Differences in cues: first one is not a good cue, the second one is an effective cue: debates, storage, encoder, passing, running, writing, soaring. Just because you can"t retreive it doesn"t mean that is not in your memory.