PSYC 2301 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Phlegm, Extraversion And Introversion, Dependent And Independent Variables

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It is also important to understand why people engage in behavior, such as smoking, that are bad for their health and attempting to change them because of rising medical costs. The theory suggests that the body consists of 4 humors, blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm, and diseases were caused by an imbalance in one or more of these fluids. It views the body as a machine in a sense that if disease is present it means something is wrong in the body and that something is to be fixed. They are most commonly done through surveys and records. The strength of the correlation is measured by a correlation coefficient. For example, looking at tv time in toddlers and then their weight in grade 4 and asking if toddlers who watch more tv are more likely to be overweight by grade 4.