PSYC 2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fundamental Attribution Error, Counterfactual Thinking, Normative Social Influence

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3 main components of evolution: replication, variation, selection (and competition) Believable by virtue of the weight of evidence: converging from multiple sources. Mental processes at the level of complexity studied by social psychologists are not exclusively automatic or exclusively controlled, but are in fact combinations of the features of each . Bargh"s definition of automaticity: types of processing: Subliminal priming - we are assumed to have a threshold for awareness, when information is processed, and this processing occurs below the threshold to our awareness, subliminal priming is believed to occur. Examined the effect of subliminal priming on perception. 1 - primed for rudeness, measured frequency and onset of interruptions. 2 - primed with elderly terms, measured subsequent walking speed. 3 - primed with european and african-american faces and assessed reaction. Results were interpreted as supporting a subliminal priming account. Suggested that there is considerable evidence for automatic processing but little supporting the intervention of controlled processing.