PSYC 1002 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Joseph Renzulli, Autonomic Nervous System, James Marcia

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Aptitude (measure your potential in specific areas) Achievement tests (specific skills, your current knowledge & skill in that area) Example: being tested on course content, instead of content not taught in class: criterion-related validity, construct validity. To evaluate the criterion-related validity of a pilot aptitude test, a psychologist would correlate subjects" test scores with a criterion measure of their aptitude, such as ratings of their performance in a pilot training program. High validity: those who do well in tests, then get a similar score in the real world. Sir francis galton (1869) (dates aren"t important, just key names and ideas: hereditary genius, first to coin nature vs. nurture. Alfred binet and theodore simon (1905: binet-simon intelligence scale: the test expressed a child"s score in terms of mental age, mental age. Lewis terman (1916: stanford-binet intelligence scale, intelligence quotient (iq) = ma/ca x 100 (mental age/chronological age) David wechsler (1955: wechsler adult intelligence scale.