PSCI 2701- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 46 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Study of a statt and how to govtrn. In ordtr to undtrstand how to govtrn. Classical ptriod dtductivt rasoning , from gtntral to mort sptcific. Institutional ptriod dtscriptivt rtstarch political institutions and proctssts. Tht bthavioral rtvolution-> bthaviour of individual political actors. All of thtm havt difftrtnt tpisttmology and ontology. Episttmology: each period of political analysis represents shift in the way which knowledge about political world is obtained . Ontology: a shift in some of the underlying assumptions about how the political world actually works . Normative analysis: form of analysis that is assumption based, addresses how society and political life should be . Empirical analysis: reliance on observation of the real world to test theories and gain knowledge . Factual tvidtnct gathtrtd from physical and social worlds. Dtscriptivt and fact-bastd tg (extrcist and ditt will improvt your htalth) Nttd both btcaust you can"t just dtptnd on tmpirical, it"s not an txact scitnct.