PSCI 2302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Herd Behavior, Cosmopolitanism, Utopia

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We begin with hobbes because he inaugurates with the past (he breaks from the old concepts of christianity he moves into science) Scientific/mechanical: human beings as matter in motion. Power after power: means to the desires/appetites that man has. We can"t so we find the common bad. Fear of violent death: keeps people in line; common bad; automatic stimulus response, power; fear; create a common, predictable, dependable political principle, state becomes about force. Self-preservation: fear of death = common need/desire for self-preservation. Sovereignty force: modern sovereignty premised on violence and force, if the problem is power after power the answer is power and force. Security, law and order: political priority; peace= pacification (the state is there to pacify and overawe and terrify the human atoms into predictable order) Thus locke (he is not willing to give up the believe that human is a special creation) .