PSCI 2302- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The european wars of religion: corruption of the medici papal court, martin luther and the german reformation, john calvin and the protestant sects, jesuits and the french counter-reformation. English civil war: feudalism to capitalism in rural england, henry viii and the unification of church/state, elizabeth and age of science and exploration, puritan revolution and restoration. A new science of politics: the end of divine right in england, the slippery sands of custom and tradition, the firm foundation of reason and science, the state of nature as a thought experiment . Reason and calculation: rationality not in definition or reflective thought; argumentation; but in reckoning , sense impression to images to a chain of consequences of cause and effect. Wisdom only prudence : man and beasts essentially the same; difference of quantity not quality; man a more complex organism, knowledge and science as a universal system; nature and human nature the same. (no more spiritual/material divide)