MAAE 3202 Midterm: Exam-MAAE3202-2006December

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Document Summary

N o . o f s t u d e n t s : 1 8 0. Department name & course name: mechanical and aerospace engineering: maae3202 a, b. Students must count the number of pages in this examination question paper before beginning to write, and report any discrepancy immediately to a proctor. In addition to this question paper, students require: be taken from the examination room. an examination booklet yes x no f,l a scantron sheet yes |j no x. Answer any four questions; only four questions will be marked. Indicate the questions answered on the cover page of your examination booklet. No enquiries on the interpretation of the questions will be entertained during the examination. [f there is any doubt, state the assumptions you have made in answering them. A uniform beam, 1 m long, is simply suppofred at its ends and subjected to a transverse force p at mid-span.