LAWS 3306 Study Guide - Final Guide: Askov, Minnesota, Due Process, Intoxication Defense

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Subaru case: two guys who were arrested in a mall for stealing a credit card (fraud, the officer came into the store and arrested one guy as soon as he saw him. Simpson case (oca: police saw driver leaving known crack house , pulled him over to investigate the hunch, court said this was an abuse of hta powers (leaving a known crack house was not reasonable grounds for suspicion. Trial within a reasonable amount of time has had a reasonable amount of time in proceedings: stressed that the 6-8 rule os a guideline but not to be a strict limitation period. A famous stay in proceedings case- defines what is required for stay in proceedings. Before charter courts did not use common law to deal with cases such as delay but after charter courts used it to fill the void of reasonable delay. The first decision that dealt with the reasonable time and the remedy under 24(1)