HIST 1707 Study Guide - Neoliberalism, Realpolitik, Utopian Socialism

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10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Industrial revolution: a change in the production of goods that substituted mechanical power for human energy, beginning around 1750 in britain and western europe; it vastly increased the world"s productivity. Interchangeability of parts: a late 18thc technological breakthrough in which machine and implement parts were standardized, allowing for mass production and easy repair. Laissez faire: an economic doctrine that advocates freeing economies from gov"t intervention and control. League of nations: the international organization set up following wwi to maintain peace by arbitrating disputes and promoting collective security. Liberalism: a political ideology that emphasizes free trade, individual rights, and the rule of law to protect rights as the best means for promoting social and economic improvement. Limited liability: legal protection for investors from personal responsibility for a firm"s finances: mandate system: a system of regional control over former ottoman lands award by the.