COMM 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Herbert Blumer, Narrowcasting, Polysemy

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Document Summary

Representation: the use of language and images to create a meaning for the world around us. Signified: the meaning of what is shown or heard. What comes to mind from these objects or words. Ideology: the broad but indispensable shared set of values and beliefs through which individuals live out their complex relations in the range of social networking. Context: the relevant constraints of the communication situation that influences language use, variation, and discourse summary. Conventions: a set of agreed upon standards or norms. Structuralism: emphasizes that elements of culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure. Representation creates meaning about the world around us through the text itself, rules and conventions, and context. Active audiences interpretation and social context of interpretation, and collective action. Passive audiences uploading homemade videos, making facebook statuses, tweeting, sending a picture to a news station, or texting a friend.