CDNS 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Language Revitalization, Firstvoices, Nonconformist

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A staple is a commodity which dominates economies exports. Fish, wheat and flour, timber and furs are all considered canadian staples products. According to the staples thesis, these goods were shipped from the dependent hinterlands of canada to the dominant metropolitan centres in europe (particularly. Innis argued that different staples led to the emergence of regional economies and societies within. In central canada the main staple was fur and the fur trade dominated the economy for many years. This fur trade was (cid:272)o(cid:374)trolled (cid:271)y large fir(cid:373)s su(cid:272)h as the hudso(cid:374)"s bay co(cid:373)pa(cid:374)y a(cid:374)d further produced the much more centralized, business oriented society that today characterizes montreal and. The staples thesis was used by donald kreighton to support the laurentian thesis. Laurentian thesis, an influential theory of economic and national development set forth by several major english canadian historians from the 1930s through the 1950s. The theory received its most sustained and sophisticated expression in the writings of donald creighton.