SOCI 2P61 Quiz: victimization surveys.doc

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, 8th edition questions for critical thinking. Victimization surveys reveal that many crimes, including serious violence crimes, are not reported to the police. Victimization surveys are conducted by choosing a random sample of citizens whom are asked to state and describe their experiences of being victims of crimes. These surveys are not very accurate at collecting data since they only include certain types of crimes that the victim might have encountered within the past year. Crimes like fraud, embezzlements, white collar crimes and others are not included within these surveys. Many people choose to not report the crimes committed against them to the police out of fear of getting into bigger trouble, or that the perpetrator would seek revenge and commit an even bigger crime against them. Many people might fear that if they notify the police, and there is not enough evidence to convict, the accused person might retaliate out of anger.