PSYC 3P37 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Vocal Tract, Directional Selection, Noam Chomsky

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Document Summary

Psychology - scientific study of mind and behaviours (broad), how our minds work, how our mind leads to certain behaviours. Evolutionary psychology - suggests that we behave in a certain way due to the evolutionary process. Mind and behaviour meant to solve specific adaptive problems, behaviours traced back to specific adaptations that arose when humans were evolving, (more specifically due to natural selection) People"s behaviours can"t always be changed, people tend to respond to certain situational behaviours. Can predict based on situations how people will behave. There is a lot of flexibility in behaviour, but despite this, evolutionary psych suggests people have behavioural tendencies that have evolved through natural selection. Will learn about these behaviours across several domains (language, sexual preferences, fears and phobias, food preferences, religion, politics etc. ) Depending on environment there are behaviours that may arise. Evolutionary psychologists only focus on certain questions that scientists can ask about behaviours.