PSYC 2P20 Midterm: Midterm 1 Notes (26 pages)

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11 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Cognition: the collection of mental processes and activities used in perceiving, learning, remembering, thinking and understanding and the act of using those processes, how the brain processes external and internal information. Cognitive psychology: scientific study of the way the brain processes information, human thought, and the mental processes that give rise to behaviour, related to other fields: Scientific study: based on the experimental method, empirical and scientific. Human information processing: people sometimes operate as information processors. Information comes from the environment, something might be done to the information and results in some kind of behaviour. Theoretical reasons: how we process our world, understand the cognitive processes, the ability to represent the information of the world. Practical reasons: knowledge of these processes to improve study/teaching methods, stereotypes coming from, better interface with computers. A primary model of cognitive psychology is information processing.