KINE 2P03 Study Guide - Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, Olga Korbut, Body Awareness

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Course objectives: understand various forms of gymnastics, apply principles efficiently, develop observational skills, enhance personal movements, develop sensitivity through relationships with partners and objects/equipment. 1. body awareness: what parts of the body move. 3. effort awareness: how the body moves. Parts used: symmetry (2 hands held up) and asymmetry: (1 hand up, 1 hand down) Simultaneous actions (done at the same time) Extensions: (think you are stuck on a bar) Matching: exact same movements at the same time. Mirroring: same movements at the same time except opposite sides of the body (think about mirroring another person) ex: one does a right handed cartwheel another person does a left handed. Negotiation: with partner using under, through, over, and above their partners/other objects. 4 movement forms: dance, fitness, games, gymnastics. Chinese: martial art wushu (idea of gymnastics started) Gymnastics: means running, wrestling, swimming, throwing, jumping. King minos: liked the idea of sport being pleasure/entertainment.