KINE 1P90 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reabsorption, Motor Unit, Interlobular Arteries

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Document Summary

Anatomy: study of body"s form and structure. Systems/ levels (largest to smallest): organ systems (11), organs, tissues, cells, organelles. Anatomical positions: superior (above), inferior (below), proximal (near trunk), distal (away from trunk), medial (near middle), lateral (towards sides) Directional terms: anterior/ventral (towards body), posterior/dorsal (back of body), deep (below surface) 3 types of cells: muscle, nerve, blood. Agonist: prime movement (biceps in bicep curls) Antagonist: opposite movement (triceps in bicep curls) 3 types of connective tissues: epimysium (covers muscle, perimysium (covers muscle bundles, endomysium (covers muscle fibres/cells) Locomotion: stability (posture), communication (walking, talking), control of body openings (sphincter muscles), heat production (sweating) T-tubules: action potentials take place, initiate calcium release from sarcolema reticulum. Imtg"s (intra-muscular tri-glycerides) acid chemical reactions that occur in sarcoplasma. Myoglobin: protein that binds iron to o2. Myofibrils: specialized arrangement of contractile proteins, each one is composed of rod like proteins.