HLSC 2P21 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hospital Medicine, Asepsis, Medicalization

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Feb. 12th, 2018 - health institutions and organizations in canada. Has evolved over time as we made the progression to modern medicine. Medical gaze : patients cease to be important and their bodies become dehumanized objects for the generation of medical knowledge. Hsopitals were places where people went to die. People who could afford it, received medical care in their home. Treating the patient as a person - diagnosing through an understanding of their life. Hospitals started to get better at treating people. Completed the phase of moving away from treating the patient as a whole. Allowed us to get to the root causes of disease. Awful treatment of patients - put on display for people. Not that long ago where medical practitioners would not wash hands between patients. Asepsis became one of the largest components in survival rates and reduction of disease in hospitals.