[CHYS 1F90] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 51 pages long Study Guide!

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The biological part is largely explained through genetics. We"ll start by focusing on the genetics, then the psychology, then the social parts. Biological (genetics), social (social context, how we find ourselves) Genes restrict development to a small range of outcomes. Walking and cultural variation (a few variations: north american, babies have general walking experiences, west indies, cultural pattern of walking babies up and down at a very young age, northern ontario/canada, babies may be swaddled) Example: children in orphanages, don"t get experience or walking opportunities. Genes set boundaries for range of phenotypes (what you express) based on environment. Not as rigid as canalization (everything happens in a small window in canalization, but this is more of a spectrum) Ex: trisomy 21 (otherwise known as down syndrome) Takes a sample of your genetics as a baby and someone matches all the chromosomes (karyotype) Average environment: some stimulation, some toys, not exceptional. Enriched environment: special programming, interesting education, more than average.