CHEM 1F92 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Molar Mass, Chemical Formula, Empirical Formula

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1. 1 chemistry: a science for the 21st century. Chemistry = changes + matter modern foundtion laid in 19th century chemistry allows us to break down substances into even smaller components. 1. 2 the study of chemistry macroscopic - we can see touch and feel them microscopic - we cannot experience this without technology (microscopes) 1. 3 the scientiic method scientiic method: systematic approach to research o. Carefully deine problem, perform experiments, and observe, record data. Data can be qualitative: general observations about the system or it can be quantitative, numbers obtained by measurements of the system or speciic samples. Based on gathered data, a hypothesis is created - tentative explanation for observations. o. Further experiments are performed to validate the hypothesis. After data is collected, a summary of the info is created called a law: a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a relationship between phenomena that"s always under the same conditions.