BIOL 2P97 Final: [BIOL 2P97] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 25 pages long Study Guide!

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Secretes mucus: physical barrier between the lumen and epithelium. Secretes bicarbonate: buffers gastric acid to prevent damage to the epithelium. Secretes gastric acid: activate pepsin which kills bacteria. Secretes intrinsic acid: couples together with b12 to allow absorption. Weeks 4-6 (chapters 14, 15, 16, 24): cardiovascular system: basic design features; the role of the heart; microcirculation; blood pressure regulation and homeostasis; blood constituents and immunity. 1) to relate the basic anatomy of the heart to its function; 3) to understand the role of electrical conductance in generating coordinated heart beats; to understand how hormones and neurotransmitters modulate heart function; 4) to understand the design and function of the cardiomyocyte and relate it to whole heart function; 9) to know the functions of platelets in wound healing. Weeks 7-8 (chapters 17, 18): respiratory system: basic design; mechanics of breathing; blood cells; gas exchange and transport.