PSYC340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Maltose, Lysozyme, Masseter Muscle

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1. Identify the locations of the salivary glands, and describe the functions of their secretions.
A. Mouth or oral cavity or buccal cavity - The mouth, also referred to as the oral or
buccal cavity, is formed by the cheeks, hard and soft palates, and tongue
A.I. Cheeks
A.II. The cheeks form the lateral walls of the oral cavity. They are covered
externally by skin and internally by a mucous membrane, which consists
of nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium. Buccinator muscle and connective tissue
lie between the skin and mucous membranes of the cheeks. The anterior
portions of the cheek end at the lips.
A.III. Lip or labium (plural is labia)
A.IV. The lips or labia are fleshy folds surrounding the opening of the mouth.
They contain the orbicularis oris muscle and are covered externally by
skin and internally by a mucous membrane
A.V. Labial frenulum
A.VI. The inner surface of each lip is attached to its corresponding gum by a
midline fold of mucous membrane called the labial frenulum
A.VII. Vestibule
A.VIII. The oral vestibule (! entrance to a canal) of the oral cavity is the space
bounded externally by the cheeks and lips and internally by the gums and
A.IX. Oral cavity proper/Fauces
A.X. The oral cavity proper is the space that extends from the gums and teeth
to the fauces, the opening between the oral cavity and the oropharynx
A.XI. Hard palate
A.XII. The hard palate—the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth—is
formed by the maxillae and palatine bones and is covered by a mucous
membrane; it forms a bony partition between the oral and nasal cavities
A.XIII. Soft palate
A.XIV. The soft palate, which forms the posterior portion of the roof of the
mouth, is an arch-shaped muscular partition between the oropharynx
and nasopharynx that is lined with mucous membrane.
A.XV. Uvula
A.XVI. Hanging from the free border of the soft palate is a fingerlike muscular
structure called the uvula. During swallowing, the soft palate and uvula
are drawn superiorly, closing off the nasopharynx and preventing
swallowed foods and liquids from entering the nasal cavity. Lateral to the
base of the uvula are two muscular folds that run down the lateral sides
of the soft palate
A.XVII. Salivary glands
A.XVIII. Is a gland that releases a secretion called saliva into the oral cavity.
Ordinarily, just enough saliva is secreted to keep the mucous membranes
of the mouth and pharynx moist and to cleanse the mouth and teeth.
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