PSYC 379 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Proof

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collectivism - A cultural orientation in which interdependence, cooperation, and social harmony
take priority over personal goals. (p. 246)
compliance - Changes in behaviour that are elicited by direct requests. (p. 249)
conformity - The tendency to change our perceptions, opinions, or behaviour in ways that are
consistent with group norms. (p. 238)
door-in-the-face technique - A two-step compliance technique in which an influencer prefaces
the real request with one that is so large that it is rejected. (p. 253)
foot-in-the-door technique - A two-step compliance technique in which an influencer sets the
stage for the real request by first getting a person to comply with a much smaller request. (p.
individualism - A cultural orientation in which independence, autonomy, and self-reliance take
priority over group allegiances. (p. 246)
informational influence - Influence that produces conformity when a person believes others
are correct in their judgments. (p. 241)
low-balling - A two-step compliance technique in which the influencer secures agreement with
a request but then increases the size of that request by revealing hidden costs. (p. 252)
minority influence - The process by which dissenters produce change within a group. (p. 247)
normative influence - Influence that produces conformity when a person fears the negative
social consequences of appearing deviant. (p. 241)
obedience - Behaviour change produced by the commands of authority. (p. 256)
private conformity - The change of beliefs that occurs when a person privately accepts the
position taken by others. (p. 242)
public conformity - A superficial change in overt behaviour, without a corresponding change of
opinion, produced by real or imagined group pressure. (p. 242)
social impact theory - The theory that social influence depends on the strength, immediacy,
and number of source persons relative to target persons. (p. 265)
that’s-not-all technique - A two-step compliance technique in which the influencer begins with
an inflated request, and then decreases its apparent size by offering a discount or bonus. (p.
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