PSYC 379 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pluralistic Ignorance, Empathic Concern, Normative Social Influence

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altruistic - Motivated by the desire to improve another’s welfare. (p. 368)
arousal: cost-reward model - The proposition that people react to emergency situations by
acting in the most cost-effective way to reduce the arousal of shock and alarm. (p. 365)
audience inhibition - Reluctance to help for fear of making a bad impression on observers. (p.
bystander effect - The effect whereby the presence of others inhibits helping. (p. 373)
diffusion of responsibility - The belief that others will or should take the responsibility for
providing assistance to a person in need. (p. 376)
egoistic - Motivated by the desire to improve one’s own welfare. (p. 368)
empathy - Understanding or vicariously experiencing another individual’s perspective and
feeling sympathy or compassion for that individual. (p. 368)
empathy-altruism hypothesis - The proposition that empathic concern for a person in need
produces an altruistic motive for helping. (p. 368)
good mood effect - The effect whereby a good mood increases helping behaviour. (p. 383)
kin selection - Preferential helping of genetic relatives, so that genes held in common will
survive. (p. 362)
negative state relief model - The proposition that people help others in order to counteract their
own feelings of sadness. (p. 366)
norm of social responsibility - A moral standard emphasizing that people should help those
who need assistance. (p. 385)
pluralistic ignorance - The state in which people mistakenly believe that their own thoughts and
feelings are different from those of others, even when everyone’s behaviour is the same. (p. 375)
prosocial behaviours - Actions intended to benefit others. (p. 361)
social norm - A general rule of conduct reflecting standards of social approval and disapproval.
(p. 385)
threat-to-self-esteem model - The theory that reactions to receiving assistance depend on
whether help is perceived as supportive or threatening. (p. 391)
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