PSYC 379 Study Guide - Final Guide: Transactive Memory, Social Loafing, Social Dilemma

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Biased sampling - The tendency for groups to spend more time discussing shared
information (information already known by all or most group members) than unshared
information (information known by only one or a few group members).
Brainstorming - A technique that attempts to increase the production of creative ideas by
encouraging group members to speak freely without criticizing their own or others’
Collective - People engaged in common activities but having minimal direct interaction. (p.
Collective effort model - The theory that individuals will exert effort on a collective task to the
degree that they think their individual efforts will be important, relevant, and meaningful for
achieving outcomes that they value. (p. 282)
Deindividuation - The loss of a person’s sense of individuality and the reduction of normal
constraints against deviant behaviour. (p. 284)
Distraction-Conflict Theory - A theory holding that the presence of others will produce social
facilitation effects only when those others distract from the task and create attentional
conflict. (p. 280)
Escalation effect - The condition in which commitments to a failing course of action are
increased to justify investments already made. (p. 293)
Evaluation apprehension theory - A theory holding that the presence of others will produce
social facilitation effects only when those others are seen as potential evaluators. (p. 280)
graduated and reciprocated initiatives in tension-reduction (GRIT) - A strategy for unilateral,
persistent efforts to establish trust and cooperation between opposing parties. (p. 304)
Group cohesiveness - The extent to which forces exerted on a group push its members closer
together. (p. 276)
Group polarization - The exaggeration through group discussion of initial tendencies in the
thinking of group members. (p. 290)
Groupthink - A group decision-making style characterized by an excessive tendency among
group members to seek concurrence. (p. 291)
Integrative agreement - A negotiated resolution to a conflict in which all parties obtain
outcomes that are superior to what they would have obtained from an equal division of the
contested resources. (p. 304)
Mere presence theory - A theory holding that the mere presence of others is sufficient to
produce social facilitation effects. (p. 280)
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