PHYL2002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Transducin, Cell Membrane, Opsin

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Cellular Basis of Phototransduction
Major function of the eye focus light rays from the environment on
rods and cones
Rods and cones photoreceptor cells transform light energy into
electrical signals for transmission to CNS
Neural portion of retina is made up of 3 layers
o Outermost layer rods and cones
o Middle layer bipolar cells/interneurons
o Inner layer ganglion cells
Axons of ganglion cells join to form optic nerve
Light must pass through ganglion and bipolar layers before reaching the
photoreceptors in all areas except the fovea
o Consist of 3 parts
Outer segment closest to eye’s exterior detects light
Inner segment middle metabolic machinery
Synaptic terminal closest to eye’s interior stores and
releases neurotransmitters
o Outer segment contains photopigments stacked, flattened
membranous discs
o Photopigments undergo chemical alterations when activated by
o Activation of photopigment leads to generation of action potential
in ganglion cells transmits information to brain for visual
o Photopigment is comprised of
Opsin integral protein in disc plasma membrane
Retinal derivative of vitamin A light absorbing part of
o Photoreceptors are inhibited by adequate stimulus
hyperpolarized by light
o Photoreceptors are excited in absence of stimulation
depolarized by darkness
o Process of converting light stimuli into electrical signals
o Photoreceptors hyperpolarize on light absorption instead of
o Photoreceptor activity in the dark
Photopigment in rods rhodopsin
Plasma membrane contains chemically gated Na channels
Respond to cGMP binding of cGMP on Na channels keeps
them open
Absence of light cGMP concentration is high
Na channels of a photoreceptor are open in absence of
stimulation unlike other chemically gated channels
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