PHYL2002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Acetylcholine, Stroke Volume, Endoplasmic Reticulum

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Cardiac Muscle Physiology
o Intercalated discs join cardiac muscle cells
Desmosomes connect intermediate filaments connect
cardiac cells
Tight junctions stop para-cellular transport
Gap junctions connect cytosol of 2 cells allow action
potentials to pass cell to cell
o Many mitochondria
o Sarcomas not perfectly aligned less organized
o Lots of branching
o Striated
o One nucleolus per cell
o Gastric and intestinal smooth muscle is electromechanically
o Interstitial cells of Cajal are the pacemaker cells that trigger
Cardiac electrical activity
o Pacemaker in SA node generates action potentials
o Action potentials spread cell-to-cell through gap junctions
o Ventricular action potential long (250ms), resting potential
o Pacemaker potential spontaneously depolarizes
o Generates rhythmicity
o Action potential phase 0 Ca2+ influx, not Na+
o Repolarziation phase 3 K+ outflow
o Pacemaker due to fall in K+ outflow
o Increase in Na+ inflow If funny current
o Some Ca2+ inflow
o Resting membrane potential of pacemaker cells not stable
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