PHYL2001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Perfusion, Stethoscope, Google Analytics

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Cardiovascular Physiology
The Cardiovascular System:
Functions of the cardiovascular system
o Delivery of O2, glucose and other nutrients to active tissues
o Removal of CO2, lactate and other waste products from active
o Transport of metabolites and other substances to and from storage
o Transport of hormones, antibodies and other substances to site of
Components of the cardiovascular system
o Arteries accept blood from the ventricles of the heart
o Arterioles small arteries control flow
o Microcirculation connects arterioles to venules includes
o Capillaries site of exchange
o Venules small veins collect blood from microcirculation
o Veins deliver blood to the atria of the heart blood storage
Types of circulation
o Pulmonary circulation
From the right side of the heart gains O2
Pulmonary arteries deoxygenated blood
Pulmonary veins oxygenated blood
o Systemic circulation
The rest of circulation delivers O2
Systemic arteries oxygenated blood
Systemic veins deoxygenated blood
o Systemic and pulmonary circulations are in series with each other
Some numbers
o Diastole relaxation of the heart
o Systole contraction of the heart
o Diastolic pressure 80mmHg lowest systemic arterial
pressure during diastole
o Systolic pressure 120mmHg highest systemic arterial
pressure during systole
o Blood pressure systemic arterial pressure systolic/diastolic
o Pulse pressure 40mmHg difference between systolic and
diastolic pressure
Cardiac Output:
Cardiac output amount of blood the heart pumps each minute
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5L at rest max. exercise = 20 L/min
Volume pumped each minute depends on
o Number of strokes heart rate
o Volume per stroke stroke volume
Heart rate 70 beats/min number of contractions per unit time
Stroke volume 70-80mL volume pumped by a ventricle in 1
Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume
Venous return 5L/min flow rate into the heart controls stroke
Ventricular volumes
o End diastolic volume = 130mL
o End systolic volume = 50mL
o Stroke volume = 80mL
o Ejection fraction = 65%
Cardiac function curve
o Increasing venous return increases the ventricular end diastolic
volume and stretches the
o Stretching the muscle cell
increases the pressure they can
o Increasing pressure increases
stroke volume
o Frank Starling Law within
physiological limits the heart
pumps all the blood it receives
o Increased venous return
stretches the ventricles and
increases force production
until cardiac output matches
venous return heart stops
Flow requires a pressure difference
Blood flows from high to low pressure
Transmule pressure pressure difference between the inside and
outside of a vessel
Flow through the vascular system is produced by the arterial to venous
blood pressure
Flow is the same through regions connected in series
Flow in = flow out
Volume cannot change
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If volumes are changing, cardiac output and venous return will be
Volumes change due to constriction/dilation of veins
Electrical Conductivity of the Heart:
Within atria and ventricles myocardial cells are connected by gap
Gap junctions allow the cardiac action potential to propagate from cell to
cell through a low resistance pathway
Heart has its own pacemaker no hormones needed
Electrical activity can pass from cell to cell in the atria and ventricles
Atria and ventricles are electrically isolated by annulus fibrosis
Heart has specialized electrically active cells in addition to contractile
myocardium, which form the
o SA node
o AV node
o Bundle of HIS
o Purkinje fibers
o These cells show autorhythmicity ability to generate a heart
beat does not require nerve or horomonal input to beat
SA node fastest pacemaker potential 90-100
AV node second pacemaker 40-60 beats/min
Bundle of HIS last pacemaker 15-30 beats/min
Electrical activity normally originates in the SA node drives the heart
and suppresses other pacemakers
The AV node forms the only site of electrical connection between the atria
and ventricles
Propagation of the cardiac action potential
o Starts in the SA node
o AP conducted through atrial muscle
o AP is delayed at AV node before entering the Bundle of HIS lets
atria contract
o Conduction through the Bundle of HIS and Purkinje fibers is very
o Ventricles depolarize from endo to epicardium and from apex to
o Ectopic beats beats generated outside the normal pacemaker
Neural control of the heart
o At rest the heart is under parasympathetic tone slows natural
rhythm of heart
o Agents that alter heart rate are chronotropic
Positive chronotropic agents
Increase heart rate
E.g. adrenaline and noradrenaline acting on -
adrenergic receptors on the heart
Negative chronotropic agents
Slow the heart
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Document Summary

120/80: pulse pressure 40mmhg difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. If volumes are changing, cardiac output and venous return will be different: volumes change due to constriction/dilation of veins. Increase heart rate: e. g. adrenaline and noradrenaline acting on (cid:2010)- adrenergic receptors on the heart, negative chronotropic agents, slow the heart, e. g. acetylcholine acting on m-cholinergic receptors on the heart. Mean arterial pressure: map = cardiac output x total resistance, sets systolic and diastolic pressures. Increase in cardiac output = increase in map. Increase heart rate/stroke volume = increase cardiac output = increase. Microcirculation: consists of, arterioles, venules, metarterioles, capillaries, atriovenous shunts, transport across the capillary wall, transport can be, paracellular or transcellular, active or passive, bulk flow or diffusion, lipid soluble substances pass through the cell membranes o2 or. Increased filtration oedema: vasodilation increase capillary blood pressure, arterial and venous hypertension increase capillary blood pressure, increased plasma leakage most common, lose osmotic pressure, plasma protein deficiency.