PHYL2001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hypothalamus, Labioscrotal Swelling, Genital Tubercle

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Reproductive Physiology
Sexual Differentiation:
Genetic sex predetermined by configuration of the sex chromosomes
XX or XY
Gonadal sex determined by sex chromosomes Y or no Y
Anatomical sex dependent on gonadal sex and hormones (i.e.
Development of gonadal sex
Development of external genitalia
o 5 reductase deficiency Penis at  syndrome enlarged
o No testosterone receptors androgen insensitivity syndrome
female-like external genitalia
o Genital tubercle develops to
Clitoris (females)
Glans (males)
o Urethral folds and labioscrotal swellings respectively develop into
Labia minora/majora (female)
Urethra and scrotum (male)
o Urogenital slit develops into
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