MGMT1136 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Charismatic Authority

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Document Summary

Country club management: high concern for people, low concern for production. (attention to the needs of people, satisfying relationships, friendly work organisation) Team management: high concern for people and production. (committed people, interdependence, relationships of trust and respect) Impoverished management: low concern for people and production. (minimum effort to get work done and sustaining relationships) Authority-compliance: high concern for production, low concern for people. (efficiency in operations, little regard to conditions of work) Middle of the road management: balanced concern for both people and production. (balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level) Leading: process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish organisational goals. It is one of the four functions in the management process (leading, planning, organising, controlling). Reward power: ability to influence through rewards. Coercive power: ability to influence through punishment. Legitimate power: ability to influence through authority.