IMED3001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Giant Cell, Hemodynamics, Aortitis

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Diagnosis made on imaging of the brain and its vessels. Blood is detected throughout the sample (not just at the start) Occur when there is an abnormality in the tunica media destroys the capacity of the tissue to resist the haemodynamic forces of systole. 3 processes can destroy the media. Most commonly located in abdominal aorta below level of renal arteries and above the aortic bifurcation. In only a quarter of these autopsies is the aaa the cause of death. Males > females, usually 65-75 years old. Risks: smoking, alcohol, hypertension, genetic influences. Large volume of blood under high pressure escapes into the peritoneal cavity or the retroperitoneal tissues. Often massive haemorrhage (death can occur within minutes) Peripheral thromboembolism, causing occlusion of distal arteries. Renal arteries, mesenteric arteries, arterial branches that supply the spinal cord, arteries of the leg. Usually asymptomatic, can feel back pain, abdominal pain, throbbing sensation. Triad of abdominal pain, hypovolaemic shock and a pulsatile abdominal mass.