IMED3001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ventricular Hypertrophy, Aorta, Pulmonic Stenosis

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Imed3001: clinical note about bav (bicuspid aortic valve) Bicuspid aortic valve (bav) is commonest congenital defect in heart (1-2:100) All other congenital heart defects combined 0. 8% Note thickened fibrotic cusp, both coronaries come from defective sinus (of. Interatrial and iv septal defects account for ~50% of heart abnormalities. So open foramen primum allows mixing of atrial blood. Can lead to r atrial hypertrophy. Increase pressure eventually in r atrium and mixing and therefore cyanosis. Babies usually die at birth as left side cannot cope with normal load. A type of aortic and pulmonary stenosis. Large aorta whose opening extends over the r ventricle. Result of abnormality of asymmetrical fusion of truncoconal ridges and malalignment of aortic and pulmonary valves. Commonest cause of cyanosis in babies at birth, untreated 50% die by. Other defects (not usually factoring in bav)- The incidence of chd in different studies varies from about 4/1,000 to.