IMED3001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pulmonary Artery, Pulmonary Vein, Ductus Arteriosus

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Part of the left becomes the ductus arteriosus. Most of the distal part of the right disappears. Which explains the course of the recurrent laryngeal nv. (ie when ancestors moved out of water and onto land and had to breath air via lungs ~ 400mya ) Form separate vessel system as buds from future left atrium. Note how that tissue absorbs" or is incorporated into wall of left atrium (hence smooth part) and 4 openings. Stages in the absorption of the common pulmonary vein and its branches into the wall of the left atrium and changes over time in the opening of the sinus venosus into the right atrium. Begins at the apex" of the loop. Where l&r ventricle ballooning is taking place(seen as a groove on outside of the heart) Needs to be 2 (aorta and pulmonary trunk ) Largely from neural crest derived mesenchyme. Needed for aorta and other great vessels.