IMED3001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Histogenesis, Gastrointestinal Tract, Primitive Streak

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Imed3001: specific principles of muscle type and histogenesis. Many cells fuse together to make a long fibre with many nuclei. Cells in rows attach but do not fuse. A, topographically precise movements of cardiogenic cells through the primitive streak. B, horseshoe-shaped distribution of cardiogenic cells (cardiac crescent) after migration through the primitive streak. Cardiogenic area - anterior to rostral most extent of neural plate and ventral to the forming endoderm gut tube. Cardiogenic mesoderm forms as paired tubes that fuse in the midline. Coincides with neural tube formation from the neural plate. In humans the cardiogenic plate forms in the splanchnic mesoderm. Endocardial primordia fuse and become inner lining of the heart. Heart primordia are initially anterior to end of neural plate (head) But with lateral and longitudinal folding, brings primitive heart ventral to head. Atrium & sinus venosum fold upward and left. Direction of blood flow through the embryonic heart tube.