ANTH1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Breastfeeding, Homo Sapiens Idaltu, Steven Goldberg

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5 Jun 2018
Module 1: Humanity
Human Diversity
Perspectives anthropology provides
Concepts anthropologists use
Issues anthropologists face
All leading to addressing the issue of what being human across the world
Radical differences around issues like abortion, sexuality, race, etc.
Living within and amongst the people that you are working with
Cultural relativism, culture and society
Issues anthropologists face:
Complex ethical and legal issues
Anthropology and sociology brings perspective on cultural and social difference and increasingly important issues
We are implicated as others
We are made up of other human beings
Larger social and cultural sense, it is hard to extract yourself from the world around you
Otherness is the challenge for the 21st century (trying to get away from globalization)
Recognizing otherness is a critical idea
We lie in a global village where all these things come at us
We dont live in a world where we only consider -2 things at a time, its all rushing at us
Too many ideas escalating from one topic
Anthropology is about inspiring a new generation of young people to be deemed other
Margaret mead (samoa)
Anthropology is about inspiring us to make a difference in the world
Anthropology is what anthropologists do
Living amongst people, learning the local language and traditions
Anthropology is the study of human nature, human society and human past
Social = uk
Culture = usa
What is a human?
Member of the homo sapien species
Self awareness
Emotion, thought and feeling
A faraway familiar place
Set in Papua new ginuea
its a long way away from the people who are likely to read this book, but it is also a familiar place
mena dn women have marital tensions
am I going to meet my financials
different group of people to encounter, but not so different that we cannot enter their lives
human beings like us trying to make sense of their world
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stereotypes = this book is to defeat typical stereotypes
So what is a human?
Humans have distinctive biology that is the product of evolutionary processes
Homo sapiens is a scientific name for humans
What we call homo sapiens, sapiens is the taxonomic term for human, the only surviving member of the human species (around 12-19
early humans
1997 discovery of fossilized remains in Ethiopia of an early human revealed a previously unknown subspecies of homo sapiens called
homo sapiens idaltu
Upright bipeds with
Nimble hands
Big brains (organ of the body that chews through the most oxygen 20% of oxygen intake) we are smart
Low sexual dimorphism, we can easily reproduce, we dont have seasons
Short faces
Weird pelage (hair)
Protruding fat depots
These are often used as ways to mark status (the first 4 are often used to show our power over nature) if we go back a few hundred
years, a religious uniqueness would have been stressed
Anthropacine a time in history where humans were the most impactful thing on earth (globalization/ industrialisation)
Humans and chimpanzee genomes (hereditary information of DNA) is 99% identical
(umans dont evolve quickly. Key DNA mutation has big effects in humans, unlike a rat and a mouse which have a much higher rate of
DNA different but a much lower morphological differentiation
Best understanding at present is that regulatory mechanics that control gene expressions and to development of trains such as pelvic
morphology or brain size
Take home message?
Genetically and biologically, humans are NOT that special
We share 65% of genetics with a banana (we are about half a banana) ^^^
Brains are unlikely to get substantially larger due to reproductively females have decided how big brain size is (efficient brain size)
Pelvic is not going to get large nor are bones going to get stronger
If the brain gets larger, the brain needs more 02, more 02 is more heat expulsion, calorie intake, etc.
If our brain was to get larger it would cause huge complications on environment
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What makes us human? Comparing with non human primates
Simple comparison, chimps knuckle walk, humans are bipedal, chimps build nests, humans dont,
But could do comparison with snails and the differences only make the point that whatever you want to choose to reveal differences is
really an exercise in making meaning, which can change whenever we like, in other words, humans control the comparison to make the
Where would we draw the line? If we say that humans can sraw and snails and babies cant draw, does that mean that babies are not
Two biggest differences are
imitation, ability to see things from another perspective (the theory of mind)
We are able to tell when people are being sarcastic for example (knowing they mean something different to what they say)
What makes us human? Cognition, communication and language
Nonhuman primates do have a limited theory of mind
Nonhuman primates can engage in simple forms of shared attention and social referencing
Monkeys and apes appear unable to recognize what other knows, cant perceive when another holds a false belief and have limited
knowledge of own thoughts
Humans lie and its not easy to know when we lie
Monkeys and apes can recognize many behaviors but cannot vocally produce much
Is is thought that as human social environments became more complex communication that required complex vocalization evolved
(language is symbolic behavior, all about symbols, the capacity to develop complex symbolic behaviour
What makes us human?
Culture is the full range of learned human behaviors and perceptions
Culture is knowledge building, conservation and transfer
Shared amongst individuals and across generations independently of genetic inheritance
Theyre animals have culture but what seems to set humans apart from animals is the role culture played in human evolutionary
The ability to share complex information and traditions seems to have been a critical factor…
A group of people with persistent relations, often ties to a territory, sharing a culture and tied by laws and political institutions
In comparison to non human primates, it is out childrearing that sets us apart
Human parents share childrearing efforts with others in their social groups important because of long period of juvenile development
Humans are able to communicate complex demands and cooperative ideas
It is the scale of this that distinguishes humans from animals
Human nature?
Humans are a biology, but human nature is also a philosophical and existential issue
The drive to distinguish is as much as the question as the actuality
It is not the fulfillment of a pre-established, formal template for the human species
And it is not the fulfillment of being born into a society or culture
Shift from what humans are, to what humans do
Being human is something we work at
We perpetually, never endingly, make ourselves
To inquire into human life is thus to explore the conditions of possibility in a world peopled by beings whose identities are
established, in the first place, not by received species, or culture specific attributes but by relational accomplishment
-tim ingold
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Document Summary

Module 1: humanity: human diversity, perspectives anthropology provides, concepts anthropologists use, all leading to addressing the issue of what being human across the world. Issues anthropologists face: radical differences around issues like abortion, sexuality, race, etc, cultural relativism, culture and society. Living within and amongst the people that you are working with. Issues anthropologists face: complex ethical and legal issues, anthropology and sociology brings perspective on cultural and social difference and increasingly important issues, we are implicated as others, we are made up of other human beings, globalization. Living amongst people, learning the local language and traditions. What is a human: consciousness, member of the homo sapien species, body, morality, culture, emotion, thought and feeling. Low sexual dimorphism, we can easily reproduce, we don(cid:495)t have seasons. Short faces years, a religious uniqueness would have been stressed : anthropacine a time in history where humans were the most impactful thing on earth (globalization/ industrialisation)