300905 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cancer, Intestinal Gland, Carcinogenesis

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In the colon, a field defect probably arises by natural selection of a mutant or epigenetically altered cell among the stem cells at the base of one of the intestinal crypts on the inside surface of the colon. A mutant or epigenetically altered stem cell, if it has a selective advantage, could replace the other nearby stem cells by natural selection. This can cause a patch of abnormal tissue, or field defect. The four polyps, in addition to the cancer, may represent sub-clones with proliferative advantages. Parsimony used to reconstruct the relationships between biopsy samples based on loss of heterozygosity. Phylogenetic trees should not be confused with oncogenetic trees, which represent the common sequences of genetic events during neoplastic progression and do not represent the relationships of common ancestry that are essential to a phylogeny. Ulcerative colitis can be treated with a number of medications, including 5-asa drugs such as sulfasalazine and mesalazine .