71116 Final: Public International Law Notes & Study Guides

162 views131 pages
30 Jul 2018

Document Summary

International law is a binding regime of principles and rules that regulates the relations among states, and individuals and other non-state entities with international legal personality. Almost all nations observe almost all principles of international law and almost all their obligations almost all of the time louis henkin. 1: in the interest of states to do this because states must respect rules to avoid negative relations, quid pro quo relationship, if a state impedes on the rights of another, they may suffer reciprocal breaches. International legal persons: capacity: a series of capabilities to act in the international order, examples of capacity: Contribute to the formation of customary law by practice and opinion juris: the entities with the capacity to act in international law: Recent developments: elaborate framework for human rights, international courts and tribunals where individuals can present claims in their own name, emergence of a system of individual responsibility for commission of international crimes.