24223 Study Guide - Likert Scale, Blue Ocean Strategy, Factor Analysis

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Mid semester exam notes: product types (a) levels of product, core product , actual product , augmented product . The non-physical, added-value part of the product. (b) types of new products: new to the world . Polaroid camera, sony walkman: most likely to require customer learning and/or incorporation of a new. E. g. technology: this type of product would generate risk, new to the firm . Products that take a firm into a category new to it. They are not new to the world, but new to the firm. Brainstorming: one person promotes a thought, another reacts to it, another reacts to the reaction, and so on. Involves collaboration: must not promote consensus (agreement) instead collaboration, must avoid groupthink by, assembling a diverse team, focus on roles; client, facilitator, resources, encourage passionate champions. Pick the final concepts or recommend or implement: facilitator in charge of the process.