USSC2603 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jacob Riis, World'S Columbian Exposition, Manifest Destiny

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Lawrence strike: mother taking in sarah and the baby, wealthy people"s charity balls, children"s crusade, coalhouse attacked j. p. morgan because (cid:498)he more than anyone symbolized white america(cid:499) Father and baseball game: concern about the presence of immigrants and a desire to americanize them, wishes it was like baseball at harvard. Irish firemen: overtly aggressive, tateh successfully americanized, changes his name, makes movies. Possible ids: fisk jubilee singers (1871)- african american a cappella ensemble from fisk university (five years old/historically black university). Them going on tour earned money for the school, which was facing bankruptcy. Whites and blacks that were: 15th amendment (feb 3 1870)- all men could vote regardless of race, atlantic compromise, colfax massacre (april 1873)- 65-80 black men killed. Nash led a massacre at a louisiana courthouse where he had a black captive set the building on fire and: reconstruction (1865-1877)- period of time after civil war that america was trying to reshape itself.