NURS1003 Study Guide - Final Guide: Population Pyramid, Bar Chart, Odds Ratio

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10 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Nurs1003 exam study guide: introduction to population health. Module 1: population health to personal care; social determinants of health. Public, population and health in a global context: Some of the challenges of public, population and health in a global context involve: Rising inequalities: health and social, global and national. Ecological: climate change and changes in patterns of disease. Potential epidemic/pandemic diseases-global impact, an emergence of new diseases. Frameworks for health: world health organisation + the united nations definitions. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Define population and public health; and discuss the history and development of public health. Miasma/germ theory: many diseases are caused by microorganisms that can invade humans, animals and other living hosts (louis pasteur). Sanitation/hygiene: from early civilisation it was recognised that polluted water and lack of waste disposal spread communicable diseases.