GOVT3987 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Linear Logic, Health Promotion, Alcon

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Students will be asked to write brief answers (3-4 sentences) to questions set on four of the following six topics taken from the previous weeks" classes and readings. The essential elements of the bureaucratic model include: (1) a hierarchical command structure where commands are issued down and accountability upwards; (2) rule-based organisation in the form of administrative, legal and policy-based rules. Obedience to a higher authority by following rules ensures consistency, accountability and impartiality, across command structures. (3) merit based profession. The essential elements of a community include common values and beliefs; relationships between members are direct and many sided; transaction are characterised by reciprocity. 1. t ransactional reciprocity in the community model where if i help you, you will help me in the future enable people to take the law into their own hands rather then wait for a central authority to step in. People sustain order through reciprocity without centralised, hierarchical forms of government.