PSYC234 Study Guide - Final Guide: Eric Kandel, Long-Term Potentiation, Neural Pathway

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27 Jun 2018
Biology of Learning
-How do neurons learn?!
Learning may come about due to changes at the synapse!
Hebbian synapse —> one which increases in eectiveness because of simultaneous
activity in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons —> the repeated pairing of
presynaptic activity with the postsynaptic action potential strengthens the synapse!
-Studies of aplysia (sea slugs)!
A marine slug with few large neurons making it easy to study compared to the
complex human neural system!
Neural pathway between sensory and motor neurons demonstrate synaptic changes
as a results of experience —> study done by Eric Kandel!
-Biology of learning in complex neural systems!
Long term potentiation (LPT) thought to reflect the cellular basis of learning and
memory in higher organisations!
Long term depression (LTD) opposite change to LTD —> known to occur in
hippocampus and cerebellum!
LTP is strengthening of synapses and LTD is decreased response at synapse!
Two types is ionotropic glutamate receptors critically involved in LTP are AMPA and
AMPA receptors open sodium channels when stimulated by glutamate binding!
NMDA receptors responds to glutamate depending on degree of polarisation across
the membrane!
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