BIOL1001 Final: BIOL-1001-Summary

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Document Summary

The theory of evolution by natural selection 7. The calvin cycle (light independent reactions) 44. Laggi(cid:374)g tra(cid:374)d (cid:455)(cid:374)thesis (cid:894)3" > 5"(cid:895) 51. Organisms: an organism is a life-form, a living entity made up of one or more cells, organisms share 5 fundamental characteristics, energy, cells. The theory of evolution by natural selection: the theory of evolution by natural selection maintains that species change through time because individuals with certain heritable traits produce more offspring than other individuals do. Natural selection: natural selection occurs when two conditions are met: - Individuals within a population vary in characteristics that are heritable. In a particular environment, certain versions of these heritable traits help individuals survive better or reproduce more than do other versions. Tree of life: the tree of life is a family tree of organisms, which helps to understand the genealogical relations between organisms. Taxonomy: taxonomy is the effort to name and classify organisms, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.