SPCH3106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Generative Grammar, Apraxia, Anagrams

206 views26 pages
10 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Preliminary model of speech recognition: the listener constructs phonological representations of the sound input (using distinctive features), and these provide the phonological access code for retrieving information from the lexicon. Active sequential search process: attentional, volitional process of consulting a mental dictionary. Passive activation: automatic, involuntary process where information gathered by the system automatically activates words (or their logogens) and, as soon as a certain threshold is reached, logogens are activated and the word is accessed. The internal lexicon can be represented as a system of (cid:494)files(cid:495): there is a. Words are classified into (cid:494)bins(cid:495) in accordance with their frequency. Listeners use sensory information to limit their search to a particular (cid:494)bin(cid:495) Can(cid:495)t account for semantic priming or speed of processing. Morton(cid:495)s model: logogen activation which they work through until they have found the word corresponding to what they have heard credibility: master file containing the set of information (orthographic, phonological and semantic/syntactic) related to each word.